This article first appeared in Arnoldia magazine 81:2, Summer 2024, and is republished here with permission. Nick Anderson is one of the featured speakers at the 2024 Season’s End Summit…
Native Plants
The Hype about Ecotypes
This article by Shannon Kingsley first appeared in WildfloraRI, Spring 2023 Shannon Kingsley is the botanist for ReSeeding RI For the ReSeeding Rhode Island Initiative—RIWPS’s five-year plan to amplify native, ecotypic…
Northeast Seed Network – A seed strategy for the Northeast U.S.
by Michael Piantedosi, Director of Conservation, Native Plant Trust Over the last few years, an increase in demand for New England native plants has intersected with a well-documented bottleneck in…
Meadows – Dream and Reality
by Filippine Hoogland and Fiona Mitchell As a new generation of landscape designers have successfully convinced the public of the aesthetic appeal of meadows, meadowscapes have become increasingly popular. Hiring…
Ecology Informs Naturalistic Landscape Design
by Duncan Brine The garden world is in the midst of a slow-moving shift from the purely ornamental to the ecological. Today, naturalistic gardens are popular and prevalent. They fulfill…
North American Orchid Conservation Center / SERC Orchid Mycorrhizal Fungi Collection
by Melissa McCormick & Julianne McGuinness Reprinted with permission from the newsletter of the North American Orchid Conservation Center (NAOCC) The North American Orchid Conservation Center (NAOCC) has an ongoing,…
Save the Wild Grapevines!
by Nan McCarry Many of us value landscapes that harbor some wildness. We know that leaving some of the wild and even weedy plants has benefits for wildlife and may…
Sowing protocols and decision-making for growing native plants from seed
Written by: Will Larson Growing native plants from seed is a constant exercise in replicating habitat. We expose the seed to specific pre-treatment conditions to simulate the contexts and pressures…
Local Seed Collection
Written by: Molly Marquand Go local: Over the course of the last decade, native plants have garnered a place in the spotlight of popular horticulture. However, most of the…
On Deck: The R & R Conference
Written by: Julie Snell, ELA Board Member The conference formerly known as The Mid-Atlantic ELA Conference is returning live and in person! If there was a silver lining in pandemic…
Planting a Species or a Cultivar— Will It Make a Difference?
Written by: Uli Lorimer, Director of Horticulture, ELA Board Member Gardeners in the Northeast are fortunate to have a wealth of plant choices available in nurseries, garden shops, catalogs, and…
Myawaki Forest in Cambridge, Mas
MYAWAKI FOREST IN CAMBRIDGE, MASS. Written by: Leslie Duthie It is a beautiful 50′ circle of green in the dry park. Despite the severe drought, the trees look good and…