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A Lazy Gal’s Garden

An excerpt from Cape Cod Chronicle article by Kristin Andres, Associate Director for Education and Informational Services for the Association to Preserve Cape Cod My garden (which is really the…

    ELA announces new partnership with NOFA

    Organic Land Care is a sustainable ecological landscaping system that promotes and enhances biodiversity, biological cycles, and soil biological activity. The NOFA Organic Land Care Program fosters professional competency in…

      The Hype about Ecotypes

      This article by Shannon Kingsley first appeared in WildfloraRI, Spring 2023 Shannon Kingsley is the botanist for ReSeeding RI For the ReSeeding Rhode Island Initiative—RIWPS’s five-year plan to amplify native, ecotypic…

        Silver Linings and Lemonade: Lessons Learned from an Arboretum Post-Natural Disaster

        By Kathleen V Salisbury Director, Ambler Arboretum of Temple University All images courtesy of the author unless otherwise noted On September 1, 2021, the 187-acre Ambler Arboretum was directly and…

          The Opposite of Extinction

          This article first appeared in Arnoldia magazine 81:2, Summer 2024, and is republished here with permission. Nick Anderson is one of the featured speakers at the 2024 Season’s End Summit…

            Recent Articles

            ELA 2024 Fall Conferences a Success!

            ELA enthusiasts enjoyed three fall conferences this season – from the Ecological Plant Conference at Wave Hill (Bronx, New York) on October 25 to the Season’s End Summit at Community…

            Sustainable Gardening Practices: Moving Away from Peat Moss in Potting Soil

            Sustainable Gardening Practices: Moving Away from Peat Moss in Potting Soil by Michele Trucksis Peat moss, though commonly used in potting mixes, is a non-renewable resource that takes thousands of…

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            ELA’s one- and two-day regional conferences offer cutting-edge knowledge, useful information, CEU’s, and invaluable opportunities for engagement with fellow professionals. Conference sponsors present their ecologically-focused products and services while supporting ecological education.

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            A Focus on Sustainability – This Fall/Winter series is geared to landscape professionals and anyone who stewards the land. Webinars are taught by nationwide experts on ecological landscape topics.
            Wednesday Walks in the Garden – This free Summer/Spring webinar series was begun in 2020 and offers a wide range of topics to engage and educate garden enthusiasts on ecological principles.

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            Classes, Eco-Tours & Workshops

            ELA programming offers classes, tours, and hands-on workshops to expand your skills from design and soil management to incorporating edibles and managing rainwater.

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            Thank you everyone for the energy you put into ELA. These programs shine from your involvement, expertise, and love of nature. I’m excited for what the next year will bring.

            Mark H.

            Thanks so much for organizing a great informative Mid-Atlantic conference. The speakers were all excellent and very enlightening, I came away with lots of new knowledge. I also enjoyed meeting and networking with lots of like minded professionals.

            Mark E. MSE Landscape Associates, LLC

            Laura and I were just talking about how much we get from all of the ELA events and webinars…. The good "vibes" abound at ELA events.

            John K, Land Design Inc.

            Thank you for a full day’s worth of insightful material! Thank you for organizing this great event every year.

            Karen C.

            Speakers were very good, but meeting landscapers at the talks & in the lobby was best.

            Cathy B.

            Thank you Penny for making this delightful series available to members of the GCFM. [A Walk in the Garden webinars] have been one of my favorite hours each week this springtime. The speakers have been top notch subject experts who have excellent teaching skills to boot. Their photo presentations have been beautiful and informative. All around an excellent series!

            Linda N

            Thank you for a lovely and informative conference at BBG this past December. [It was] very well run and a joy to attend.

            I salute you on the excellent conference today at BBG! It's cheering and edifying for my staff and me to be among so many people, old friends and new, who value horticulture and ecology.

            Thank you for via webinar - it really helps to save the professional development budget & travel time from my job. I find these information sessions very interesting, inspiring and informative.

            Thanks for providing the great professional society that I have been long searching for.... I am definitely a better, more informed practitioner for it.

            I am really enjoying all the webinars that the Ecological Landscape Alliance is offering. Thank you so much for organizing them and making them available for FREE! I spread the news about them on my Constant Contact page for the NJ Native Plant Society. 

            Susan H.

            Just want to say again how very much I appreciate the “Walk in the Garden” series. The quality of your programs is tops! A “Walk in the Garden” is so much more than a series of slideshows. It is a celebration of how all life is connected. It is great to have this positive reminder amidst the scarier reminders!

            K.R. Watkins

            Being an ELA member has allowed me ready access to resources that inspire and inform our new coastal landscapes initiative. I'm very thankful they exist!

            Gloria P, North Carolina Sea Grant, North Carolina State University

            I love the new website. It’s clean and clear and the articles you highlight have great, inspiring content.

            Meg H Plant Me a Rainbow

            THANKS FOR THIS WEBINAR EVENT -- and to the author for the links to the Rodale Institute. To-the-point, compact (but not compacted!), memorable and motivating!

            Joeth B.

            I thoroughly enjoy being a member of ELA. In fact, I get the most out of my membership from your organization than from any other professional organization I belong to. Your educational opportunities are fantastic, I have enjoyed every webinar I've ever attended, and your newsletter is always informative and helps me do my work. Thank you!

            Nancy H. Little Eden Gardens

            [R&R] was such an informative and interesting conference. Thanks to you all at ELA for hosting such an undertaking. I'm looking forward to using more of ELA as a resource going forward.

            I want to thank you and ELA for having such a wonderful speaker [Heather Holm] talk about our native bees and plant partners. It was fantastic. Great photos. 

            Virginia K.

            I met and made new friends with great topics to discuss.

            Timothy M.

            The whole day on soils was particularly educational. I really liked the on-topic, varied discussions.

            Erica B.

            Fantastic! So many delicious offerings so well organized, so much energy, so many smiles! And just think of the abundance of skills, knowledge, deepened friendships, new connections, and inspired energy now out there, put to service, and passed on to still others! An astounding event! Hooray for everyone on the Conference Committee!

            Cindy G, Landscape Designer

            You do a wonderful job with your newsletters. Everything might as well be a MUST Do with the way you present the programs.  We appreciate your dedication to doing a good job, and are most impressed with ELA.

            Ginny S. Talbot Ecological Land Care

            I really love ELA. Can't believe I only discovered y'all last year!

            Laura B

            Can I just say I have enjoyed all the lectures, conferences, classes and tours put on by ELA. You are doing a fabulous job. Thank you so much for all the work you put into this really incredible resource.

            Georgia H