Sustainable Gardening Practices: Moving Away from Peat Moss in Potting Soil by Michele Trucksis Peat moss, though commonly used in potting mixes, is a non-renewable resource that takes thousands of…
Developing Healthy Landscapes
An unhealthy environment should not be the price of a beautiful landscape. Inappropriate plant choices and inadequate soil preparation can lead to a reliance on excessive use of water and on toxic chemicals to resolve problems. Ecological landscaping encourages practices that promote a healthy environment through conservation of resources, respect for biodiversity, and ecologically-sound techniques.
A Lazy Gal’s Garden
An excerpt from Cape Cod Chronicle article by Kristin Andres, Associate Director for Education and Informational Services for the Association to Preserve Cape Cod My garden (which is really the…
Navigating the Gas to Battery Transition: The Future of Landscaping in New Jersey
By Richard A. McCoy Owner/ President of McCoy Horticultural Services, Inc. American Green Zone Alliance (AGZA) Northeast Representative Member, ELA, NJNLA, and NJLCA Over the past few years, mainly during…
An excerpt from The End of Eden: Wild Nature in the Age of Climate Breakdown
Excerpt from the introduction to The End of Eden: Wild Nature in the Age of Climate Breakdown by Adam Welz. Welz is an environmental writer, photographer and conservation consultant who…
The Hype about Ecotypes
This article by Shannon Kingsley first appeared in WildfloraRI, Spring 2023 Shannon Kingsley is the botanist for ReSeeding RI For the ReSeeding Rhode Island Initiative—RIWPS’s five-year plan to amplify native, ecotypic…
Decentering the ‘Tree Museum’: Colonial Narratives in Environmental Conservation and Botanical Science
by Tracy Qiu, Doctoral Candidate, Concordia University (Montreal) This article is a summary of a presentation from ELA’s 30th Annual Conference. The presentation, Decentering the “Tree Museum”: Colonial Narratives in…
Botanic Gardens Conservation International Announce Seed Conservation Awards
The winners of the Seed Conservation Awards were announced in August at an awards ceremony held at the 8th Global Botanic Garden Congress in Singapore! This year, the Seed…
Northeast Seed Network – A seed strategy for the Northeast U.S.
by Michael Piantedosi, Director of Conservation, Native Plant Trust Over the last few years, an increase in demand for New England native plants has intersected with a well-documented bottleneck in…
Highlights from Healthy Pots, Healthy Planet 2023 State of the Pot
Since the publication of our “Plastic Pots and the Green Industry” research paper in 2020, the Healthy Pots, Healthy Planet committee has worked not only to build a coalition but…
Foraging Meals and Medicines from the Landscape
by Charlene L. Briggs Earth Visions Consulting “In some Native languages the term for plants translates to “those who take care of us.” ― Robin Wall Kimmerer, Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific…
Botanic Gardens Lead the Way in Tackling the Illegal Trade of Threatened Plants
by Megan Barstow, Botanic Gardens Conservation International The world’s botanic gardens are uniquely placed to fight against the increasing threat to wild plants from poaching. This is a growing threat…
North American Orchid Conservation Center / SERC Orchid Mycorrhizal Fungi Collection
by Melissa McCormick & Julianne McGuinness Reprinted with permission from the newsletter of the North American Orchid Conservation Center (NAOCC) The North American Orchid Conservation Center (NAOCC) has an ongoing,…