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Webinar: Pollinator Conservation in Working Landscapes

Online Webinar

Strategic conservation in farmed and urban landscapes can disproportionately increase biodiversity. Nick Haddad has worked for three decades to understand how to conserve landscapes to benefit pollinators and other species. He has created large experiments to test the role of targeted conservation efforts. For example, landscape corridors through urban and farmed landscapes can created superhighways...

Webinar: 100 Plants to Feed the Monarch Butterflies

Online Webinar

A book about planting for monarchs (and for motivated readers and gardeners) is not quite as wondrous as monarchs and their individual life cycles, their host relationship with milkweeds, or their annual migrations in North America, but it is something of a miracle. Only a few decades ago, the concept of creating native-plant gardens was...

2023 Webinar: Ecological Land Care: Integrating Horticulture with Ecology

MARCH 29 -- ECOLOGICAL LAND CARE Ecological Land Care sounds easy, but as we learn, actually integrating horticulture with ecology takes time and patience.  This session will help us understand how we, as gardeners, can meld horticulture and ecology practices to positively impact gardens and ecosystems.  We will also explore why traditional garden practices (ie,...

2023 Webinar: Organic Turf Care – A Practical Approach

AUGUST 17, 2023 -- ORGANIC TURF CARE: A PRACTICAL APPROACH This practical webinar will share a step-by-step development to implementation of Organic Turf Care programs.  We will look at a variety of approaches and details including the principles of organic turf care through the lens of our Healthy Turf Circle.  Attendees will learn how to...

2023 Webinar: Ferns – The Green Wonders of Nature

AUGUST 23, 2023 -- FERNS - THE GREEN WONDERS OF NATURE Often times by the dog days of summer, some plants in the garden are looking weary.  These plants may need some help -- or even needed deadheading.  It’s possible, with enough heat, a wholesale cutting back is required. Ferns, though, are surprisingly hardy.  As...

2023 Webinar: Oaks, Fire & Climate Change

AUGUST 30, 2023 -- OAKS, FIRE & CLIMATE CHANGE Natural landscapes in the US and Canada have been drastically altered by human activities such as infrastructure development, logging, overgrazing, introduction...

2023 Webinar: Designing for Pollinators

September 12, 2023 -- DESIGNING YOUR POLLINATOR GARDEN: HOW TO CREATE A 'BUZZ' IN YOUR GARDEN   In this presentation Asia Scudder discusses how to design a garden with native...

2023 Webinar: Native Plant Communities for (Midwest) Urban Gardens

September 19, 2023 -- NATIVE PLANT COMMUNITIES FOR (MIDWEST) URBAN GARDENS Native plants can help us turn our gardens into beautiful, ecologically functioning plant communities; for Midwestern city gardeners, this means looking to the plants of our great prairies, woodlands, and savannas. These natural plant communities are really big, but our gardens are small. How...

2023 Webinar: Naturalistic Planting Design

October 12, 2023 -- NATURALISTIC PLANTING DESIGN There have been some significant developments in recent years towards a more naturalistic approach to planting design that borrows concepts from both ornamental horticulture and ecological restoration in an attempt to create plant communities that provide a balance of aesthetic value and ecological benefits.  This webinar will provide...

2023 Webinar: Building Resilient Landscapes

October 19, 2023 -- BUILDING RESILIENT LANDSCAPES In the changing world in which we find ourselves, it behooves us to build resiliency into every landscape. The days of landscapes dedicated to beauty alone are passing. Customers are demanding ecologically sensitive landscapes; they want reduced maintenance and greater wildlife value. Join Dan Jaffe Wilder, author, and...

2023 Webinar: The Secret Lives of Wild Bees

November 8, 2023 -- The Secret Lives of Wild Bees You’ve probably heard “Save The Bees!” but do you know which bees need saving? Over 4000 species of bees inhabit North America, and most don’t live in hives or make honey. Wild bees come in every size, shape, and color you can imagine, and they...