by Bruce Wenning Introduction There are many species of bark beetles in the United States which are destructive to both hardwood and softwood tree species. Some have been historically devastating…
Pest Management
Spotted Lanternfly (Lycorma delicatula)
The spotted lanternfly is a non-native sap-feeding planthopper also known as the lanternmoth. The first sighting of the spotted lanternfly in the United States was in Berks…
Managing Land for Pollinators and Conservation Biocontrol
by Emily May Conservation biological control is a science-based pest management strategy that seeks to integrate beneficial insects back into the landscape for natural pest control, ultimately reducing and in…
Is There Hope for Growing Lilies in New England Again?
by Lisa Tewksbury In the early 1990s New England acquired a new pest of lilies from Europe, the lily leaf beetle (Lilioceris lilii), which made growing lilies to their full…
Drought and Pests
by Heather Faubert Two general statements about droughts, insects, and diseases hold true: Most plant-feeding insects tend to survive very well under drought conditions. Plant diseases are not very troublesome…
Rose Insect Pest Alert: The Roseslug Sawfly, Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae
by Bruce Wenning Sawfly insects are in the order Hymenoptera that includes bees, ants, wasps, parasitic wasps, and sawflies. Metamorphosis is complete: egg, larva, pupa, adult (Borror, Triplehorn and Johnson,…
Garden Insect Primer: Getting to Know Common Garden Insect Pest Groups and their Associated Signs of Plant Damage
by Bruce Wenning There are 31 orders of insects, but of those only 11 orders contain economically important pests of trees, shrubs, garden plants, lawns, vegetable crops, wood, and fiber….
The Emerald Ash Borer: Information about the Ash Tree Killer and other “Boring” Beetles
by Bruce Wenning It is important for ecological landscaping professionals to know the differences between various insect pests and non-pests. Most can recognize common insects such as bees, wasps, butterflies,…
Eco-Answers from the Pros: Borers in Amelanchier
Has anyone had experience with borers in Amelanchier canadensis? If yes, how to treat and what’s the prognosis for the survival of these trees.
Eco-Answers from the Pros: Winter Moth Follow Up
Last month, the Eco-Pros offered advice on controlling winter moth. An alert reader in Wellesley, MA brought to our attention an outreach effort in that town advising against spraying. Our…
Eco-Answers from the Pros: Winter Moth
Winter Moth decimated shrubs and trees in my yard this spring, from blueberry bushes to maple trees. Are there eco-friendly options for control in the fall? Do I have to…
Controlling Grubs: Milky Spore Disease or Beneficial Nematodes?
by Paul Sachs Both milky spore disease and beneficial nematodes help control grubs in lawn and garden. Depending on the species of grub, you may want to use both. Scarab…