Each year, ELA Conference attendees test their knowledge of winter plant identification at the annual ELA Conference Plant ID Quiz. Another challenging plant quiz was curated by staff members at the New England Wild Flower Society.
This year the 2019 Plant ID Quiz introduced a new educational element, the Twig ID Crash Course taught by Dan Jaffe (Author and photographer of Native Plants for New England Gardens). Dan used the plant quiz samples to demonstrate which characteristics to use when identifying plants and what resources might be of assistance to accomplish the ID.
2019 Plant ID Winners
On Wednesday, Robin Zitter was the winner, and Tom Rawinski submitted the most correct answers on Thursday. Both win a free one-year ELA Professional Membership. Congratulations to our winners! Answers to the 2019 Winter Twig Quiz posted here.
Attend the 2020 ELA Conference to test your plant prowess and participate in a chance to win one-year ELA Membership!