The Insider’s Guide to Assessing SITES Viability
Webinar replay from February 11, 2025
Presented by Lisa Cowan and CeCe Haydock
Tentative or unsure how to assess a new project’s SITES viability? Your client told you he’s interested, you’ve been to several SITES talks, and you’ve even downloaded the v2 Reference Guide. Now what? Let two experts of the SITES process give you the necessary tools to take that first step: will this project qualify? Included in this webinar will be a quick review of the SITES sections, as well as the prerequisites and credits and their viability to a project. What are some of the major challenges you might face? Where have other project managers stumbled when sizing up a project for SITES? Review with the experts the important tools and resources you need to get started.
Lisa Cowan PLA, ASLA and CeCe Haydock PLA, LEED AP, ASLA
Lisa Cowan, PLA is Principal at Studioverde – a collaborative of landscape architects and site practitioners working together to create sustainable and resilient high performance landscapes. Lisa has expertise in ecology-based planning, design, low impact construction and land management. She was invited to join the Sustainable Sites Initiative (SITES) Task Force group to help develop the standards for the SITES AP credential. Lisa is an officer in the American Society of Landscape Architect’s Sustainable Design and Development (SDD) Practice group and co-edits ASLA’s The Field – a source for sustainable design trends and research. Lisa is an active public speaker and teacher and spoke at the University of Connecticut’s 2016 Sustainable Landscapes Conference on ecological design methodologies for urban spaces.
CeCe Haydock is a LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) accredited New York state licensed landscape architect, a chapter member of the US Green Building Council, and an officer of the American Society of Landscape Architects Sustainable Design and Development professional group. Her practice focuses on site planning and design and consulting for sustainable design and projects seeking SITES (the Sustainable Sites Initiative) and LEED certification. In 2015, her SITES pilot project Hempstead Plains Interpretive Center received a 2-star certification. CeCe also lectures on the SITES program and historic gardens.