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Landscape Options – Focusing on Great Underused Plants

Webinar replay from November 4, 2024


So many plants – so little space… The options are endless and though some plants have very desirable traits and applications yet, they are rarely used.

Darryl Newman from Planters Choice will discuss native cultivars and non-invasive exotic plants that can be used to meet challenging conditions when designing a more formal landscape. He will focus on plants that have great potential but are underused and could, consequently, be phased out of production by suppliers. Mr. Newman will also provide tips on installation, establishment and maintenance for these plants.

Darryl Newman is a principal at Planters’ Choice Nursery, a grower and wholesaler of nursery stock and related goods in Newtown and Watertown, Connecticut. Mr. Newman worked for two prominent Landscape Design/Build firms in the Washington, DC Metro area prior to returning to Connecticut and his roots. He is also the Vice President of the Connecticut Nursery and Landscape Association. He holds a degree in Landscape Management from the University of Maryland.

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