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Member: Melissa Curtin

Personal Bio I have a BS in PLSoilSci (UMass); 10 yrs experience in researching biocontrol of plant pathogens (UW Madison; UC Berkeley) - all long ago. Now retired from a different field and refreshing my training- OLC cert (Ct NOFA); Pollinator Steward Certificate (Pollinator Partnership); multiple workshops in meadowscaping; working on control of invasives (esp bittersweet, knotweed, burning bush, Callery pear); encouraging HOA/others to adopt lawn alternatives and OLC of turf; trying to learn about regenerative landcare practices for heavily disturbed areas which are now designated conservation restricted zones; learning about green infrastructure and bank stabilization; healthy soils; improving water quality, etc!
Business Description
Address 20 Bridge Rd, Unit 10
Northampton MA 01062
United States
Phone Numbers Work: 805-245-8626
Cell: 805-245-8626
Primary Business

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