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Member: Jean Devine

Company Devine Native Plantings, LLC
Personal Bio Chief Seed Sower, Devine Native Plantings, LLC (DNP) Executive Director, Biodiversity Builders℠ Jean Devine is an environmental educator, native-plant coach, and specialty landscaper. She has a background in native plant garden design and implementation, sustainability, curriculum design and teaching, entrepreneurship, nonprofit management and marketing. She combines those skills with her passion to empower youth to make an environmental impact and have fun outdoors. With over a decade of experience, she created DNP in late 2021 to address the urgency of mentoring the community through native-plant projects that restore biodiverse habitats and build climate resilience.
Business Description Devine Native Plantings mission is to build pollinator pathways throughout the Metro West Boston region. To do this, we create native plant gardens of all sizes — from sidewalk strips to private yards, to school/church grounds, to meadows. Along the way, we enlighten people about the power of nature-based solutions to biodiversity loss and climate change. DNP is a residential native plant landscaping company that does everything from design to implementation to maintenance and coaching. Jean also runs an environmental education non-profit- Biodiversity Builders- which pays students to learn native plant landscaping, business, and ecological restoration in the summer.
Address 52 Raleigh Road
Belmont MA 02478
United States
Phone Numbers Work: 6179476256
Primary Business Designer, Ecological Restoration, Educator, Maintenance Provider
Specialties Ecological Restoration,
Fine Gardening,
Invasives Removal,
Native Plants,

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