Exhibitor Evaluation – ELA Conference & Eco-Marketplace 2021 – Virtual Please take a few minutes to provide feedback on exhibiting at the ELA Conference & Eco-Marketplace held virtually via QiQoChat on March 3 & 4, 2021. We value exhibitor input and use evaluations to improve future educational events. Thank you! Exhibitor Evaluation - ELA Conference & Eco-Marketplace Name and CompanyWas this your first time exhibiting at a virtual event?YesNo, I exhibited at a prior ELA virtual conferenceNo, I have exhibited at other virtual eventsWhat was your experience creating your virtual booth?Very simple, QiQo duplicated my prior conference virtual booth.Very straight forward using QiQo tools to upload files.Workable, but I needed help from QiQo techs.Very challenging.Overall Conference Exhibiting ExperienceExceeded ExpectationMet ExpectationFailed to Meet ExpectationSuggested ImprovementsIf the virtual conference experience failed to meet your expectations, what can ELA do to improve your experience?Conference Attendee InteractionsPlease rate your experience interacting with conference attendees.Virtual Booth ExperienceDid you use the Zoom function inside your virtual Booth? And if so what was your experience?Please rate your experience participating in conference presentations.I did not attend any conference presentationsExceeded ExpectationMet ExpectationFailed to Meet ExpectationChat FunctionDuring presentations, did the running chat help you feel like part of the conference community?Exhibitor Spotlight ExperienceIf you participated in an Exhibitor Spotlight, please describe your experience.Please rate your experience with the virtual conference platform.Fully prepared; I received adequate informationSomewhat prepared but I needed more information or dry run training to prepare for the virtual conference experience.I did not feel adequately prepared for the virtual conference experience.Virtual Conference - Suggestions for ImprovementIf you did not feel prepared for the virtual conference experience, what can ELA do to improve your experience at a future virtual ELA conference?Garden Rooms for NetworkingDid you pop into one of the Garden Rooms to network with speakers or other conference attendees? If yes, was that a valuable experience? If no, how could we make that a more welcoming experience?Overall FeedbackWhat was the most valuable part of the conference for you (and why)? Δ