28th ELA Conference & Eco-Marketplace – February 23 & 24, 2022
Plans for ELA’s two-day virtual 28th Conference & Eco-Marketplace are well underway. If you haven’t yet explored the schedule, there are lots of interesting topics and presenters to pique your interest.
Two tracks on Wednesday will offer insights and information on developing landscapes to support pollinators:
Thursday’s lineup of presentations includes a broad range of topics with a Focus on Design track and a Focus on Practice. A third track of Idea Exchanges digs into four thought-provoking topics.
Don’t miss out on early discounts for this signature event! Register now.
Email to ELA
As our Executive Director Penny Lewis ends her tenure at ELA on December 31, make a note that business emails will be handled by Maureen Sundberg (maureen@ecolandscaping.org) and Michael Opton (office@ecolandscaping.org). Many people still use the ela.info@ comcast.net email address, which will be discontinued. Please update your files so that we do not miss any important correspondence from you.
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