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Landscaping at the Water’s Edge: An Ecological Approach

Webinar replay from January 22, 2025


“Landscaping at the Water’s Edge: An Ecological Approach” will cover simple stormwater management strategies for residential properties that encourage infiltration of runoff on site, thus reducing pollutant loads to surface waters. Line drawings illustrate how a degraded lakeshore property can be transformed to an attractive and highly functional site. With simple observations, ecologically-based design and low impact maintenance practices, you can protect, and even improve, the quality of our water resources. The presentation draws strongly on a New England sense of place, but the principals apply no matter where you live. We are all connected to the water cycle and we all live in a watershed where your actions matter.

Dr. Catherine Neal is an Extension Professor and Specialist in Landscape Horticulture at the Univ. of New Hampshire. She develops and conducts training in sustainable landscape practices that enhance biodiversity and protect our soil and water resources. Her areas of expertise include rain garden design and installation, pollinator habitat and meadow establishment strategies for New England. She is author of several fact sheets and books including Landscaping at the Water’s Edge, available online at

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