Invasive Plants: What Follows Success
Webinar replay from February 19, 2014
by Jon Peter Thompson Originally Presented on Feb 19, 2014 as part of the free webinar series “A Focus on Sustainability” geared to landscape professionals. The series is presented through collaboration of the Ecological Landscape Alliance (ELA), the Chesapeake Conservation Landscaping Council (CCLC), the Midwest Ecological Landscape Alliance (MELA), & EcoLandscape California (ELC). Known regionally for their quality education programs, these organizations are working cooperatively to share knowledge and encourage conversations with landscape professionals from around the country and the globe. Presentation Summary: Many projects designed to control and eliminate invasive species meet with success only to find that an unintended consequence of success results in new infestations and unexpected problems. Invasive Plants: What Follows Success reviews the concepts and strategies that are used to deal with the successful removal of invasive species and the prevention of the establishment and spread of new species that arise when necessary actions that follow success are not taken into consideration prior to control efforts. John Peter Thompson is a contractor and consultant working with USDA ARS, APHIS, Forest Service and the National Park Service, as well as the Africa Trade Office of Maryland (Parker & Associates), and Invasive Plant Control, Inc.