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Designing Successful Rain Gardens for Civic Sites

Webinar replay from January 22, 2025


Focus on Sustainability Webinar Series – Season 3 – ELA Members FREE

Rain gardens, as part of modern storm water management systems, rely on plant material for soil stabilization, contaminant filtering, nutrient absorption, and to slow rainwater for infiltration. Well designed rain gardens (with the appropriate plant material) can greatly improve the results of green infrastructure and ensure their long-term success. Selecting appropriate plants for rain gardens and other vegetated storm water management systems is a critical first step to their success. Beyond plant selection, proper site preparation and a comprehensive maintenance plan are critical components of a successful rain garden.

 In this webinar, Amanda Sloan describes the elements that go into a successful rain garden project.
Amanda Sloan SMAmanda Sloan, RLA, ASLA, has worked for over 22 years to bring beauty as well as function to the design of parks and trails throughout New England. Amanda combines her background in natural science, community design, and art on projects such as school and playground gardens, lakeside parks, recreation sites, rain gardens, and home landscapes. Amanda is currently a landscape architect with BETA Group where she specializes in rain garden design and native plants.

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