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ELA Virtual Eco-Marketplace Order


The ELA website brings together a wide variety of landscape professionals who care deeply about the health and wellbeing of the landscape. They need to know about the products and services you provide that will help them meet their stewardship goals.

Introduce your company to the people who have first-hand experience with the ecological management of landscapes and let them know that you can help. Make your company part of their success stories and become essential to the future of sustainable landscaping.

ELA’s Virtual Eco-Marketplace includes:

  • Your company name listed in the ELA Virtual Eco-Marketplace, in the category of your choice.
  •  A summary of your business (200 words or less).
  • A dedicated link to your company website.
  • 3 ELA Newsletter Banner Ads (ad dimension approximately 200px-H x 580px-W).
    Banner ads can be run in the ELA Newsletter month of your choice.

SKU: EDU-Virtual-Eco-Market Category: