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Member: Barbara Passero

Company Meadowscaping for Biodiversity (MS4B)
Personal Bio My first job in the environmental field was as Information Manager of the Marine Resources Information Center of the MIT Sea Grant College Program. I have been employed in positions in communications with the Mass. Audubon Society; Wildlife Refuges Division of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; Mass. Marine Educators; and the Research Laboratory of Electronics at MIT. Since 2000 I have been developing youth careers and environmental education programs. Meadowscaping for Biodiversity focuses on training youth how to plant native plant gardens and meadows to sustain pollinators.
Business Description MEADOWSCAPING FOR BIODIVERSITY (MS4B, is a leader in promoting community environmental resilience. Our flagship program, the Youth Environmental Entrepreneurship Program (YEEP), links learning to career-readiness through nature-based solutions. MS4B gives youth the tools to address major challenges to society & the environment—nature-deprivation disorder, ecological indifference, lack of biodiversity, and climate change. Our goal is to increase public awareness of native plants as key to providing habitat for pollinators.
Address 174 Moody St. #244
Waltham MA 02453
United States
Phone Numbers Work: 781-209-0052
Cell: 781-240-9228
Primary Business Designer, Ecological Restoration, Educator, Maintenance Provider, Supplier/Vendor
Other Primary Business Youth education and training.
Specialties Coastal Zone Management,
Ecological Restoration,
Fine Gardening,
Invasives Removal,
Native Plants,
Play Spaces,

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