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Large-Scale Landscapes Symposium

Large-Scale-Landscapes-GreenwayCo-sponsored by ELA and Wellesley College

Managing Large-Scale Landscapes Sustainably

Thursday, January 16, 2014 8:30 – 4:30 (Snow Date 17th)
Wellesley College Science Center, Wellesley, MA

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Join ELA and Wellesley College for a symposium on the development and maintenance of large-scale landscapes that utilize fewer inputs, are designed and maintained with the environment in mind, and become more sustainable over time. Experts who work daily in successful, sustainable large-scale landscapes will lead four panel discussions.

  • Maintaining Large-Scale Landscapes

Topics: Landscapes Over Time, Soil Compaction, Invasive Plants, Recycling Organic Matter, and Sourcing Quality Compost
Dennis Collins and Paul Kwiatkowski from Mount Auburn Cemetery
John Forti, Strawbery Banke Museum
Stuart Shillaber, Rose Kennedy Greenway Conservancy

  • Large Lawns: Ecological Approaches

Topics: Mowing Frequency, Inputs, Pests, Disease, and Alternative Energy Mowers
Panelists: Richard Luff, Sagamore Golf
Fred Newcombe,
PJC Ecological
Anthony Ruggiero, Rose Kennedy Greenway Conservancy
Carl Salsedo, University of Connecticut

  • Runoff as Resource: Large Scale Stormwater Solutions

Topics: Erosion to Irrigation, Collection Options, Dealing with Large Rain Events, Water Quality, Minimizing Demands of Potable Water
Tom Benjamin, LA/Sustainable Designer
Brad Buscher, Groundwork Lawrence
Eden Dutcher, GroundView
Kate Venturini, University of Rhode Island

  • Managing Semi-Wild Landscapes

Topics: “Semi-Wild” Designation, Mapping Invasive Species, Setting Plant Management Priorities, Replanting after Invasive Removal, Tackling What is Feasible (and Leaving the Rest)
: Tobias Wolf, Wolf/Lighthall
Heidi Kost-Gross, G/S Associates
Sandy Vorce, Mass Audubon

Registrations are limited – Use This Link to Register Online Now.

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CEUs are being sought for this program.