Call for Ecological Designers to Showcase Your Projects
Saturday, June 22, 2019
Tour Hours: 12:00pm – 4:00pm
From paths, to ponds, to pocket gardens – from borders to backyards to botanical gardens, native plant gardens are a growing trend!
Join the Ecological Landscape Alliance (ELA) as we Celebrate Native plants at designer-guided, homeowner-guided, or self-guided tours of private and public gardens that celebrate the beauty and ecosystem value of native plants and ecological practices.
These Eco-tours will:
- Feature gardens designed entirely or primarily with native plants.
- Educate attendees about the increasing options and applications for native plants.
- Demonstrate that native plant gardens can be beautiful as well as functional.
- Share insights into native plant combinations and gardening techniques.
- Discuss strategies for transforming sections of lawn into a native plant oasis.
- Promote native plant gardens as a safe haven for birds, butterflies, and native pollinators.
- Answer questions about native plants and habitat restoration. With the permission of generous homeowners, native plant gardens become inspiration and education for tour guests.
Pre-registration will be required; attendance will be limited.
Have a native plant garden to share?
Contact for more information and to add your garden to the tour.
Click here for more information and for the registration and release form.