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Creeping Phlox stolonifera is an excellent ground cover. 

Eco-Answers from the Pros: Do I Need Mulch with Groundcover?

In areas where I am trying to grow ground covers that self-spread, I haven’t been using mulch, thinking the mulch will hinder the self-spread of the desired ground cover. Thus weeds and other things I didn’t want to grow in that space do fill in. Is it recommended to use mulch even when the ultimate goal is to have the ground covered with plants? Mulch will save me a lot of weeding time.

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Spread Plant Love, Not Mulch

by Missy Fabel

It’s easy to be beguiled by the fresh look and scent of newly spread mulch. Yet for the ecologically minded, the spread of native groundcovers by rhizome, stolon, or seed introduces both functionality and a particular aesthetic into the landscape as plants fill cover soil by virtue of their growth habits and reproductive strategies.

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Sheet Mulching

by Tricia Diggins In order to take a break from pulling invasive plants we finally started a program of sheet mulching in the Alexandra Botanic Gardens this past summer and…

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