Protecting Pollinators by Jodi Helmer is a must-read for anyone interested in learning more about the myriad small and amazing creatures so crucial to our survival as a species. Reading the book is like having a dear friend share with you all the fascinating things she’s learned about pollinators during her journey to becoming a successful beekeeper, then placing all her resources at your fingertips.
Getting the Buzz from Pollinators in Mt. Cuba Center’s Trial Garden
by Sam Hoadley
Mt. Cuba Center’s mission is to inspire an appreciation for the beauty of native plants and a commitment to the native habitats that protect them. Over the past several years the Mt. Cuba Center Trial Garden has become an influencer to the nursery industry and to native plant enthusiasts. Learn about their trials, designed to identify the top performing species and cultivars within the genus that are best suited for the Mid-Atlantic region.
Citizen Scientists Help Parse the Native/Nativar Debate
by Jessamine (Jessa) Finch
As pollinators lose ground, we’ve been urged to create more pollinator-friendly gardens, but are all pollinator gardens created equal? A team at the Chicago Botanic Garden has developed a project to evaluate native and nativar support of pollinators by gathering data on pollinator preferences across the country. You can become part of the research team.
Wildflowers of Summer
by Carol Gracie Unlike spring, when most people are eager to get out in the woods to look for the first wildflowers of the year, summer tends to be a…
Superfoods in the Insect Garden
The best food plants for insects, with a focus on caterpillars and bees by Thomas Berger When choosing plants to support insects in our gardens, we want to make the…
The Pleasures of Butterfly Gardening
by Cathy Rooney For those of us who love to garden, whether for necessity, pleasure or both, an added dimension of the challenge and pleasure is to provide flowers that…
Managing Land for Pollinators and Conservation Biocontrol
by Emily May Conservation biological control is a science-based pest management strategy that seeks to integrate beneficial insects back into the landscape for natural pest control, ultimately reducing and in…
Protecting and Providing Nesting for Native Bees and Wasps
by Thomas Berger, text and photos Feeding the birds in winter has become a common practice so that we can support and enjoy them, and providing birds with nesting boxes…
Planting for Pollinators
by Jack Brodie, James Hitchmough, and Michael Livingstone There is a crisis in the UK, and many other developed countries, in the decline of a wide range of insects that…
Eco-Answers from the Pros: Urban Pollinators
I work on a golf course in the middle of a city, (Newark, NJ). I am always looking to put in natural areas and promote pollinator plants. My question is…
Eco-Answers from the Pros: Bee Tubes in Spring
The mason bees filled most of the tubes in the house this spring and the ends were sealed with the mud. Now in August, the mud seal is gone and…
The Role of Native Cultivars in the Ecological Landscape: Evaluating Insect Preferences and Nectar Quality in Phlox and Its Cultivars
by Keith Nevison Take a trip to your local nursery and head to the native plant section. Do you come across any cultivars of native plants (“nativars”) among their offerings?…