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Gleanings from Headline News – August 2019

Maine Forest Service Releases Wasps to Kill EAB

In July, the Maine Forest Service released three species of wasps in Aroostook County, the northernmost corner of Maine, in an effort to eradicate emerald ash borer. Read more in the Boston Globe.

New Xerces Fact Sheet: Fungicides & Pollinators

From large farms to small backyards, many people treat plants with fungicides. The Xerces Society’s new fact sheet, Protecting Pollinators from Pesticides: Fungicide Impacts on Pollinators, review the evidence about the risks to pollinators from fungicides and offers ways to reduce those effects. Download the Fact Sheet.

Mental Health and Green Space Planning

As more empirical evidence reveals the value of experience with nature on mental health, researchers look at the impacts of nature experience on cognitive functioning, emotional well-being, and other dimensions of mental health. They then consider how ecosystem service assessments can be expanded to include mental health. Read more in Science Advances.

Xerces Bee Better Certification Reaches Stores

Begun in 2017, the Bee Better Certification program, a collaboration among Xerces Society, AC Foods, and Oregon Tilth, recently reached a milestone with their first licensed product, blueberries, arriving in stores. Read more from Xerces Society.

New Perennial Grains Offer Eco-Friendly Way Forward for Agriculture

A new variety of perennial grain known as Kernza is being made into a cereal and beers. Proponents say this marks a significant advance for a new agriculture that borrows from the wild prairie and could help ensure sustainable food production in a warming world. Find more YaleEnvironment360.

Hold the Balloons

Marine debris in general threatens global bird populations; however, ingestion of balloons in particular have been found to carry a higher risk of bird mortality. Read more ecoRI News.

Outsmart Invasives with Outsmart Team
Early detection and ongoing monitoring of invasive species is key to control. A free phone app helps you identify and report invasive species anywhere, any time. Find out more at

UMass Turf School Announces 2020 Course

Applications for UMass Winter School for Turf Managers runs from January 6 to February 14 in 2020. Applications for international students are due September 13. Application review for U.S. students begins in early September. Read more at UMass Amherst.