Feature Events
Virtual Tour at Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens – August 20
Enjoy a virtual tour of the Butterfly House at Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens on August 20 at noon. Beauty in Flight presented in collaboration with CMBG lets us visit this beautiful property in Boothbay, Maine and learn more about the interplay of native plant cultivars and native species.
Season’s End Summit – October 28
We look back at a season that has truly been like no other. Join us at this year’s Season’s End Summit for refreshing perspectives and inspiring discussions of tools and techniques that help us build healthy and healing landscapes.
ELA Webinars in Two Series Remain Free Through August
If you missed A Walk in the Garden, the webinars will be available for viewing by non-members through the end of August. Members will continue to have access after August. Find the webinar list here.
Also through August, ELA is opening up seven seasons of the Focus on Sustainability webinar series for viewing by non-members. Over 80 webinars explore topics on a wide range of ecological principles and practices. To access the webinars, viewers simply complete a guest registration.
ELA members enjoy year-round member discounts on the many talks, tours, and webinars that ELA offers each year on a wide range of topics. Check the ELA website for the list of Upcoming Events and to join ELA.
Volunteer Coffee Is Back – August 19
We’re anxious to hear from you. Volunteer for a few minutes this month, or any month, by calling in for virtual coffee with ELA. If you have an idea for a program, heard a terrific speaker, or learned about a great resource call in to share any time between 12:30 and 1:00 on August 19. Email Maureen@ecolandscaping.org for the call-in number. Hope to talk to you then.