Plant Identification Challenge Solved
Thank you to the many readers who responded to the June Plant Identification Challenge. Glenn White, New Jersey, was the only entry to correctly identify Ixeris stolonifera, or creeping lettuce. Ixeris stolonifera is listed in the Natural Resources Conservation Services’ (NRCS) PLANTS Database as introduced throughout Delaware and New Jersey and in parts of New York and Pennsylvania. The challenge plant was recently spotted in a New Hampshire garden and has been reported to NRCS. Congratulations to Glenn who received an ELA hat for his quick response.
Is it native in your area or an exotic invasive?
Correctly identify this plant and win a free ELA logo hat.
Email your plant ID response and any information that you have about the plant to:
General Plant Characteristics
Weed location: Suburban: Lawn/Turf
Growth Form: Creeping/Vining
Height: 2-3 inches
Life Cycle: Perennial
Tendrils: No
Produces milky
sap: No
Leaf characteristics
Leaf arranged: Opposite
Leaf type: Simple, not lobed
Leaf margin: Entire (not toothed)
Petioles: Present
Leaf hairs: Absent
prickles: Absent
Leaf veins: Pinnate
Stem characteristics
Stem type: Round
Leaves on flowering stems: No
Spines/thorns/prickles: No
Floral characteristics
Flower color: Yellow
Flower symmetry: Radial
Spines/thorns/prickles: Absent