ELA News Celebrate Native Plants in June!
ELA’s Third Celebrating Native Plants Share your passion for native plants! Sign up to host a garden tour during ELA’s Third Annual Celebrating Native Plants Garden Tour. Whether it’s a garden you’ve nurtured and maintained over decades or recently installed, your own yard or a client’s property, ELA invites you to share your experiences with native plants on Saturday afternoon June 22. You determine the number of visitors, and all guests must register. Learn more here and add your garden to the tour before May 31.
Spotlight on Natives – May 31 Deadline
Submit your entries to ELA’s Spotlight on Natives Photo Contest between now and May 31 at 5:00pm. Photos can show native plants in garden settings or individual specimen. First Prize Winners receive a one-year ELA Professional Membership. Photographers receiving Honorable Recognition will earn $50 credit toward purchases at the ELA Bookstore. Winners will be announced in June. Find all the details here.
Eco Courses Now in Spanish
On April 1, ELA introduced its first ecological landscape classes designed for native Spanish speakers. The nine-part series covers a broad range of land care topics and is being offered at no cost for three months (April, May, and June 2019). Starting July 1st, the classes will remain free for ELA Members and will be available for $10 per class for non-members. Click on a title to get started now:
- Calidad del Aire y Jardineria Verde – Air Quality
- Fertilizantes y Hierba Cortada Compostaje – Fertilizer and Grass Cycling
- Introduccion A Cobertura (Mulch) Y Abono (Compost) – Introduction to Mulch and Compost
- Introduccion A Suelos – Introduction to Soils
- La Planta Correcta en el Lugar Correcto – Right Plant Right Place
- La Poda Para La Salud De La Planta – Pruning for Plant Health
- Manejo Integrado de Plagas MIP – Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
- RIEGO #1 Interaccion Entre Agua – Plantas Y Suelos – Irrigation Part 1 of 2
- RIEGO Programacion del Riego – Irrigation Part 2 of 2
National Green Infrastructure Certification Program
Initiated under the leadership of DC Water and the Water Environment Federation, the National Green Infrastructure Certification Program (NGICP) sets national certification standards for green infrastructure (GI) construction, inspection, and maintenance workers. Designed to meet international best-practice standards, NGICP certification advances the establishment of sustainable communities by promoting GI as an environmentally and economically beneficial stormwater management option, supporting the development of proficient green work-forces, and establishing a career path for skilled GI workers. In collaboration with ELA, Trevor Smith offers a 5-day, 35-hour course that provides graduates the skillset needed to design green stormwater infrastructure and to oversee construction, inspection, and maintenance of these projects. Find more information and register. Find more information here.
Virtual Coffee on Hiatus
We’re taking a break from volunteer coffee until later in the year. During the interim, if you are struck with a great idea for a workshop, hear about a great webinar topic, or know of an opportunity ELA should explore, don’t hesitate to send an email: ela_new@verizon.net.