You asked for more opportunities to gather and talk with other ELA members about projects and strategies, and ELA listened. This summer ELA introduces Members’ Receptions.
Our inaugural event takes place at 6:30pm on June 24th in northeastern Massachusetts at the Stevens-Coolidge Place in North Andover. This property, owned and managed by The Trustees of Reservations, features kitchen and cut-flower gardens, potager garden, rose garden, and orchard on 91 acres. The evening begins with a walking tour of the gardens with our TTOR host. You’ll enjoy an interesting venue, a bite to eat, and time to talk to other ELA members about your exciting projects or landscape challenges.
Sue Storer, ELA founding member and current Treasurer, noted that she’s “excited to see ever more opportunities to connect with others in the field. The new Members’ Reception events actually bring us full circle to where we began – in small informal gatherings of practitioners eager for opportunities to compare notes, share information and resources, and often collaborate on projects. I look forward to seeing all who can make it to our first gathering in June.”
A second Members’ Reception is being planned for August along the Massachusetts south shore (details coming soon). We hope you’ll join us at one of these casual gatherings, but if you live too far away, maybe you want to host your own Members’ Reception. Contact Penny Lewis, ELA’s Executive Director to let her know of your interest – she’ll know if someone has already planned a reception in your area and if not, she will help you to schedule one.