Volunteer with ELA
Want to share your talents and expertise as an ELA volunteer? Our member-driven organization is always looking for your expertise, guidance, and help. We are looking for people to help with a few specific needs, plus we have some ongoing opportunities for volunteers.
If you are comfortable presenting to groups, familiar with virtual presentation tools, and quick with a quip, consider becoming a webinar moderator. We’ll provide training, and you can choose 2-3 webinars to help with (fall, winter, and spring event dates).
If you don’t want to moderate, maybe you’d like to present a webinar. Submit your proposal by clicking here.
If you’re not interested in presenting, you could:
- Write an article for the ELA Newsletter (newsletter editor will help define topic & timing)
- Post/Share ELA events on Facebook and Instagram (coordinated with a small group throughout the year)
- Serve on a regional committee to plan ELA conferences. You’ll help define programming, identify speakers, and reach out to sponsors and exhibitors. Our three regional conferences are centered around New York, Philadelphia/Delaware, and Massachusetts.
Let us know your interests. Email maureen@ecolandscaping.org.
Eco-Answers with an Eco-Pro
We invite ELA Members, to join us for Q&A with ELA’s Eco-Pros, a monthly discussion focused on a general ecological topic of interest. We welcome our members to this free 60-minute Zoom conversation to get the inside scoop from a Pro.
Coming up on April 20: Soil and Compost. Do you have questions about compost, mulch, fertilizers and soil health? Meet virtually with Andrew Brousseau, Black Earth Compost, 6:30-7:30pm, to ask your soil questions. Members can login and register here.
Share Your Expertise!
As ELA begins scheduling fall and winter virtual conferences, we’re reaching out to our community for speakers. Our members have thousands of years of combined experience designing, developing, and maintaining all manner of ecological landscapes. If you have an ecological expertise or field experience, consider sharing with the ELA audience. We seek speakers on a great variety of topics, and ELA programs are geared to audiences at all levels, from general gardener to advanced professional. If you have a topic you’d like to present with ELA, take a minute to let us know by providing a little information. Click here to submit a proposal. If you aren’t a speaker, but you heard a great talk recently, we’d like to hear about that, too. Just send an email to office@ecolandscaping.org.