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Planning for Resilient and Sustainable Communities

by Jack Ahern

An original method for planning resilient and sustainable cities is presented here. The method builds on established planning methods and models. The method has five themes: (1) goal-oriented and exosystem-services-based, (2) strategic, (3) scenario-driven, (4) transdisciplinary, and (5) adaptive. Each of these five themes is discussed in the following sections.

Click to continue this excerpted selection from Water-centric Sustainable Communities, published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2010. Selected text is reprinted in the ELA Newsletter with the permission of the author.

On March 7, Dr. Ahern speaks at an intensive workshop on Bringing Life to Urban Landscapes, part of the ELA’s 18th Annual Conference & Eco-Marketplace.

About the Author

Jack Ahern, PhD, is an award-winning landscape architect and Vice Provost of International Programs and professor of Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning at UMass Amherst. Dr Ahern has researched and written extensively about the issues surrounding urban growth, landscape planning, biodiversity, and sustainability. He co-authored Water-Centric Sustainable Cities, published in 2010. Dr. Ahern may be reached at